Summer Registration

Summer Registration

Summer Registration

March 14, 2012

Registration for summer session courses starts Monday, March 19th.



Registration for 2012 summer session courses starts Monday, March 19th

Summer courses are a great way to get a head start on the Master of Arts in Leadership program and your chosen specialization. Truman's summer session provides students with the option to complete their coursework ahead of time or tackle it at their own pace.  Many of the courses and electives required to complete the specialization portion of the Master of Arts in Leadership program are also available during the summer session.  

If you're not staying in Kirksville this summer or worried about convenience, the majority of the courses are offered online, giving students the flexibility to manage their classwork and accommodate even the busiest schedules!  For more information about the online courses being offered, take a look at the Truman Institute'sOnline Courses Page.

For students that are currently enrolled or interested in summer courses for the Online Graduate Sustainability and Environmental Studies Certificate program, click on this link for more information about summer enrolment.